I thought I would update y'all on our Tennessee Walking Horses .... excuse me?..
Isn't this net.equine? .... Oh, I need an obligatory British car tie-in!?!
Well, alright. Since you asked.
The first thing I noted about the August issue of the "Voice of the Tennessee
Walking Horse" was the MG logo emblazened on its cover. The rest of the cover
shows a fellow named David Landrum holding his horse Major General (MG) with
his foot on the bumper of a red rubber bumper MG. What upset me was that only
a small portion of the car was visible. I was more than pleasantly surprised
to find that the cover actually had a foldout showing the rest of a beautiful
Here's my analysis:
o Obviously show ready
o Extremely well detailed
o Undoubtably well gaited
o A credit to its breed!
And the horse looks pretty good as well!
Mark Rosneck
(503) 626-1340
Mentor Graphics Corp., 8500 SW Creekside Place, Beaverton OR 97005
...!{sequent,tessi,apollo}!mntgfx!mrosneck OR mrosneck.MENTOR.COM
Registered Tennessee Walkers:
Ebony's Shir-Bet (Spuds) - mine
Sonic's Prime Time (Wizard) - hers