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Allison Ignitions (?)

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Allison Ignitions (?)
From: mit-eddie!uvacs.cs.Virginia.EDU!ks5k@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 90 22:55:29 EDT

SOL Crowd,

        My Spitfire came with an Allison ignition system conversion.
In fact it came with it installed improperly - the rotor fitting with
the slots was for a 6 cylindar (6 firing signals) and the ballast
system and resistor were still connected - a "pro" mechanic found this
nasty little secret out for me when I couldn't tune it to spec.
Beleive it or not the car still ran, although poorly, I thought it
just needed a tune up and plugs and thus ran poorly, I knew it did
suffer from preignition because one of the plugs tips had burned
completely off. Anyways the prev owner had obviously given up on it
and that is why I got it so cheap.

        But to the question: I am afraid I don't really understand how
these boxes work.  There is a power lead, a lead to the coil, a lead to
the distributer (presumably LED) fixture, and a ground.  How does the
vacuum advance play in this system?  Basically I am interested to find
out how these things work and why they are better than the old system.

        The mechanic that found the blunder and fixed it for me told
me that the other system is a "pain in the a*s, and I am far better
off with this refit".  Well I thought maybe this is would be of list
interest then.

        BTW I got my TRF catalogue today with some parts I ordered
after I finally got through by phone. These guys are real asset.


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