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Re: MGA Coupe Interior, need pictures, patterns or sources..

Subject: Re: MGA Coupe Interior, need pictures, patterns or sources..
From: Croaker the Physician <mit-eddie!!markl@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 90 15:17:44 PDT
Moss Motors, in Goleta CA (1-800-235-6954), makes very nice interior
kits for MGA roadsters and coupes.  Much cheaper and less hassle than
finding a decent upholstery shop, or (gulp) doing your own.

As to your A/C question, yes, it's been done, at least for
closed-cockpit MGs.  Numbers were shipped to British expatriates in
Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore, and most of the cars had A/C (my
mother's TD, on the other hand, did not, which meant that we didn't
get to drive the car all that much).

If you are going to install A/C, one thing to think about is replacing
your radiator core with a more modern one.  The engine already runs
hot enough without extra load on it from an A/C compressor.  Again,
Moss Motors might be able to help you find out what A/C was "standard"
on MGs, and what other modifications might be necessary.  They have
always been extremely helpful when I've called.

Happy motoring,

Mark L. Lambert
Architecture Group, Network Products Division
Oracle Corporation

           UUCP:     ...{hplabs,apple,uunet}!oracle!markl
           USMail:   Oracle Corporation, 400 Oracle Pkwy,
                        Redwood Shores, CA 94065

"The parts falling off this car are of the finest British quality..."

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