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Re: seat belt specs

Subject: Re: seat belt specs
From: richard welty <mit-eddie!!welty@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 90 15:55 EDT

    Clearly the problem is that I don't have enough catalogs. 

doesn't everybody have that problem?

    I'd rather not install a fully 5-point right now -- it seems like too
    much overkill.

``too much overkill''?  i'll have to contact the deparment of
redundancy department about that.

seriously, it doesn't cost all that much more to put the extra
straps in.  i don't like the suggestion of using one shoulder
harness out of the pair; these straps aren't set up at the
same angle, or with the same attachment point, as a standard
3-point shoulder belt.  i don't think that one out of the pair
would offer as much protection as a decent standard 3-point system,
although two shoulder belts would offer more.

moreover, you *cannot* reasonably get away without the anti-sub
strap if you're using a racing type shoulder harness; otherwise,
the shoulder belt will pull the lap belt up an unsafe amount.
many organizations will not permit use of racing-type harnesses
without the anti-sub straps.

    But it's been pointed out to me that Pegasus Racing has
    all their belts in bolt, clip and wrap styles, so I should be able to
    find just what I need...

Pegasus has the stuff; there are other sources, like Car Guys and
so forth.  bob bownes likes Halo Products in CA.  the back pages of
_Sports Car_ magazine are useful in chasing down sources.

good belts may be had from OMP, Simpson, TRW/Sabelt, Pyrotect,
Bell, and so forth and so on.  i don't know about the camloc
type belts, but the fasteners on the non-camloc type are generally
reasonably interchangeable between makes.


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