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Re: problems and solutions

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM,
Subject: Re: problems and solutions
From: mit-eddie!!mason@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Nark Mason)
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 90 13:13:59 EDT
Speaking of Weber carbs, there is a {guy || company} that advertises in the
back of Autoweek under the name "Weber Carbs" (real original, eh?), offering
40-60% off regular prices. I called once when I was considering putting
some of the critters on my TR and they did in fact offer a price much much
cheaper than anyone else. I got the impression it was a guy running a business
out of his home with diddleysquat overhead, but he has a 800 number and
credit card capability so I guess it's not a complete fly-by-night operation.
The number is 800-237-9270.

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