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Rover 3500 -- Views? Opinions?

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Rover 3500 -- Views? Opinions?
From: <mit-eddie!!streeter@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 90 08:01:43 -0400

I've been trying to consider what is available if I wanted to have a
four door british car.  Jaguar and Sterling have both been likely
candidates, but are generally more pricey than I would want to
spend.  (I'm looking to spend < US $5000.)  

Something that has come up on my frequent perusals of the want ads
is a Rover 3500.  However, I have heard next to nothing on this list
in the last year about the Rover 3500.  About all that I 'know'
about it is that I think I recall hearing it has the Buick Aluminum
V8 used in the TR8 as a powerplant.

How is the reliability/maintainance on the Rover 3500?  (This is my
primary concern.)  Any ideas on typical asking prices?  Are the
mechanicals very similar to a TR8? ie, if I maintain the Rover 3500,
would that be useful practice for a future TR8 (wishful thinking

Here is the ad which sparked my interest:  (with ad lingo expanded
into real words.)

1980 Rover 3500.  4-door hatchback sedan.  White with beige
interior.  46,000 miles.  Original owner.  $3500 or best offer.

I'm thinking of going to take a look at it.  Should I even bother?

Kenneth B. Streeter         | ARPA:
MIT LCS, Room NE43-350      | UUCP: ...!uunet!!streeter
545 Technology Square       | (617) 253-2614    (work)
Cambridge, MA 02139         | (617) 225-2249    (home)  

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