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Re: kids and LBC two-seaters (Re: Trials of Love)

To: uiucuxc!cgl.ucsf.EDU!gregoret@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Subject: Re: kids and LBC two-seaters (Re: Trials of Love)
From: uunet!pwcs.StPaul.GOV!phile@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 90 10:13:43 CDT
You want to be sure the baby has a bonnet (no, not an engine cover,
but I suppose you could use a "hood" :-)  ).   Little kids, and some
grownups like my wife, are suseptible to ear trouble when riding in
fast boats or roadsters.
--    In real life: Philip J Ethier
Phone: 298-5324

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