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Re: Emissions requirements in the seattle Wash area....

Subject: Re: Emissions requirements in the seattle Wash area....
From: uunet!tc.fluke.COM!pwv@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 90 09:22:37 PDT
John Metzger writes:

> I've accepted a new position that will require relocation to the Belvue/
> Seattle washington area and I was wondering if anybody located there could
> tell me of the emissions testing requirements for the area. I have a '70 MG
> Midget that currently resides in MAss where it doesn't have to undergo any
> emissions tests.
> Do they check for the presence of all emmision related equipment ? I'm not
> sure if my car ever had an air pump on it but it doesn't have one now...
> Do they have strick idle and load emissions tests ? I'm trying to determine
> if I should just sell the car here in Mass rather than bring it across
> country and not be able to drive it because of failed emissions....

Welcome to the Great Northwet, er, Northwest John!  You shouldn't have any
problems bringing your car out here.  There is a safety inspection required
by the State Patrol before you can get the car licensed.  They really
aren't looking for pollution control gear, I think they would only say
something if the engine was obviously modified, like plugged hoses
everywhere and empty brackets hanging off the engine.

As for emissions, there is an annual emissions check required for the south
Snohomish/King County area (this includes Bellevue).  BUT, this is only
required on cars 14 years old and newer.  So, your '70 Midget would be
exempt.  (For any other cars you may be bringing, the test costs $9 and is
only an "at idle" check - it's actually fairly easy to pass.  The cars age
and total mileage factor into the limits.  If your car fails, and you spend
at least $50 and it fails the (free) second test, you can get an exemption
for *that year only* by showing them your receipts.  They never open the
hood, er, bonnet, so it's quite common for cars with *all* of the emissions
equipment removed to still pass!)

I don't know where Alan Dahl got his information, but I'm quite sure he is
wrong.  Maybe what he described applies to "The Aroma in Tacoma" where he
lives.  (Tacoma has the worst air quality in the Northwest, partially due
to industry and automobile exhaust, but mostly due to the pulp and paper
mills at the south end of Puget Sound.)

Let me know when you'll be moving out.

   Pat Vilbrandt       John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.        Everett, Washington USA
UUCP: pwv@tc.fluke.COM  or: { uunet uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv
ARPA: fluke!pwv@uw-beaver.ARPA

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