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Re: TR-7's and Fuel injection

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: TR-7's and Fuel injection
From: mit-eddie!!jeynes@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Ross A. Jeynes)
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 90 22:16:07 PDT
> Does anyone (Teriann, et al) know of the Fuel Injection being standard
> on the 80 California 7s?  I'm trying to determine the total number

I'm not sure if it was standard, but I have an '80 California TR-7,
and it does, in fact, have fuel injection.  I think the car I have is
a special edition, that's why I'm not sure if the FI was standard.
(It has a little plaque on the glovebox, and a different steering
wheel, or something.)

It is the fuel injection system that has brought me the most problems
with the car thus far; when the engine gets slightly out of tune, it
tends to backfire in to the air intake manifold.  This causes the air
valve on the air regulator box to slam shut, which does two things:

1) it causes the hose connected to the air regulator to explode, due
   to excess pressure
2) it whacks the air regulator out of alignment.  The only fix is a
   replacement, which is about $600

Has anybody else had a problem like this with a fuel injected TR-7?


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