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Bizarre starting problem

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Bizarre starting problem
From: mit-eddie!!elan!jlo@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Jeff Lo)
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 90 18:16:09 PDT
Hey Lucas fans, you're gonna love this one.  I just traced the problem
I have been having with my TR6 not wanting to start.  Every now and then
it wouldn't start.  The starter wouldn't turn, no click from the solenoid,
just an occasional buzz from the seatbelt warning.  Then I started noticing
how nice the car was to never strand me without someone to help push start
the car.  Funny, come to think of it, the only time it fails to start is
when someone is *sitting* in the car with me.  Experiment time!  Have a
volunteer sit in the seat.  Turn the key.  Nothing.  Have said volunteer
get out of the seat.  Turn the key.  Engine instantly comes to life.  Hmm,
some kind of short with the switch in the seat sensing when someone is in
it or the wiring leading to/from it.  Gives a whole new meaning to the term
"electric chair", eh?  Well, I guess I'll be spending my weekend tracing
wires.  Too bad they're *all* blue from the paint job the previous owner
had done on the car.

                                        Jeff Lo

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