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Re: More on LBC on MT

To: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!>
Subject: Re: More on LBC on MT
From: mit-eddie!!sfisher@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Fri, 08 Jun 90 11:37:36 PDT
Roland's discussion of this car started while I was
in transit between Mountain View and Palo Alto, so to
speak, so I missed the beginning.  However, even 
though I'm no longer writing from abingdon, I still
have my mania for MGs (not to mention a pair of Bs).

I presume this is an open car?  

Where did you see the vehicle, and would you be 
willing to play the tape for a Bay Area enthusiast,
Roland?  I've got enough books to be able to figure
out what it is.  It's sounding more like an N-series
Magnette than a prewar Midget, because of the folding
screen and hinged boot -- the YA Tourer of the early
Fifties had a boot like you describe, but a fixed

Between the pair of us, we should be able to solve
this mystery!


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