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Re: TR-6 vs. TR-7 (novice potential buyer's questions)

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: TR-6 vs. TR-7 (novice potential buyer's questions)
From: David Boreham <uunet!!davidb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 90 19:50:33 GMT
Hmm. In the UK these cars are regarded as comming from
different planets. I fact, many would doubt the TR7s
claim to be a sportscar at all. With all the federal
emission stuff and AC to power I'm surprised it manages
to go forwards at all :)

Current UK prices for these cars:

Good TR7:  no more than 3000 pounds.
Good TR6:  Take a pick from 7000--18000 pounds.

In case you hadn't realised i'd go for the TR6
(even with carbs).

David Boreham. INMOS Limited, Bristol England.

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