Carpet dye can be purchased inexpensively at most chain auto parts
stores. I have used it before on carpeting for a non-british car.
It comes in spray cans and is pretty easy to use. I suggest you start
on a hidden piece of carpeting -- it takes a little bit of practice to
apply just right. It seems to work pretty well, but will not look
quite as nice as a brand-spanking new carpet. (It is also important to
have the carpet CLEAN before applying -- faded, as opposed to dirty,
carpet would be the best time to use this stuff.) However, a can
only costs a few simoleons and if you don't like the way it comes out,
you're only out a few dollars because you needed to buy new carpet
Good luck
Kenneth B. Streeter | ARPA:
60 Wadsworth St., Apt 6F | UUCP: ...!uunet!!oneway
Cambridge, MA 02142 | (617) 225-2249 (anytime)