What I don't like is the "Noah" fabric all the cover makers are pushing,
it's made by Kimberly Clarke, the folks who make Kleenex, and it is
really crap, readily disintegrates in bad weather, should be strictly an
inside cover.
What I do like is canvas lined with flannel, protects your car finish
and protects the car from adverse weather.
For inside use only I suggest a very light canvas, easy to take off and
easy to put back on plus very durable.
For cover makers my best have come from carcovers.com, 2nd best from
California car covers.
All the covers fit well, all around the same price, some have more
material and come lower down on the car for added protection.
Gotta go, the "Noah" on my outside stored car needs a quick fix, we had
half a day of rain yesterday.