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# 301 suffers once more

Subject: # 301 suffers once more
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 07:08:26 -0700 (PDT)
Well Hi all,

After a summer of some hard times in my personal life
now it looks like my one true passion (after my family)
has fallen pray to some bad guys. My Brick # 301 was
stolen from my garage while I was at work and the folk
that took it did a great deal of damage to it. I have
no idea why this type of thing is done. What pleasure
can someone get from ripping up another mans car?
Well back in the garage (with much improved security)
and I guess I will start over. As some may recall I had
used this car as a test bed for some of the new
electronics to be installed in Malcolm's new car
endeavor. Well as luck would have it I got most of the
car back it would seem the biggest problem will be
fixing the bird gage it seems they had the door up and
drove into something with it. This ripped the door all
to Heck and twisted the bird gage. 
Well wish me luck and with a few good breaks maybe it
will hit the road again soon. 

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  • # 301 suffers once more, rwelsh <=