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Small part detailing suggestion

Subject: Small part detailing suggestion
From: "Steve Owens" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 05:52:20 +0000
I am still detailing the carburetor, 3 pieces at a time.  I promise to make 
a webpage describing the model 4300 refurb but have a tip to fellow 

Eastwood catalog sells vibratory tumblers for abrasive "cleaning" of parts 
that are typically too small to sand blast.  Carbs are one of several 
components with a lot of small parts semi-rusty parts.  Eastwood's tumblers 
cost $140-$300(!)...I don't know what name brand it is.  A fellow on eBay 
( sells name brand tumblers, oftentimes brand new, lower 
than retail prices (unless you get excited in your bidding).  I bought a new 
Lartone for $49.  Though he'd not used it for cars, he accurately predicted 
"rotary" tumblers like the one I was buying would round off the corners on 
bolts but clean all other pieces nicely.  He was right.  Like Eastwood, he 
said he could also sell the vibratory tumbler types (which are friendler to 
bolt heads) and the special media that you tumble with.  It seems his prices 
may be half of Eastwoods.

While keeping bolts out of my tumbler, I'm finding it does an impressive 
job.  I had already ordered Eastwood's Green Rust Cutting Media and find a 
tumble time of 2-3 days to be about right for most parts.

Well, I'm off to the SSCC in NV, hope to see a Bricklin or two there!



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