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Re: This car is about on my last nerve

To: "bricklin" <>
Subject: Re: This car is about on my last nerve
From: "High Tech Coatings" <htc@MNSi.Net>
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 05:01:42 -0400
 If you want reliable transportation sell the Brick and buy a new minivan.
If you want something cool to drive get used to the little annoyances and
find yourself a good parts store that has free overnight delivery. Many of
the small independent stores offer this, they don't stock as much on the
shelf and order in daily. You may also want to find local rebuilders, I have
a couple near me and can get almost any part rebuilt in a couple of days and
get MY part back. If you think a 4-5 day wait is bad, I have a friend that
has an Auburn and has been looking for 4 years for a fuel pump bowl. Many of
the parts on his car have to be hand made and he is about ready to have a
new bowl cast in glass if he can find someone to do it. And then there is my
friend with his 60 Ferrari that had to spend 10K for ONE wheel.....the list
goes on. The brick is the 'common mans exotic' and you must be prepared for
the little inconveniences associated with owning an 'exotic' car. I
personally put over 100K on my first 75 (back in the early 80's) and got
real good at anticipating problems and getting parts before they broke.
Parts were a little more available then as the donor cars were still

>   Ok. brake problem was the brake booster, no Problem, I take it off and
> give the numbers to the local parts store, hopeing to get one soon it will
> be TUESDAY before it arrives, another weekend with the other shit car.
> Every week its the same thing, car breaks down and takes 4 or 5 days to
get .
Hope he gets the right one........

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