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Bobbing fuel gauge (ideas from the fringe)

To: <>
Subject: Bobbing fuel gauge (ideas from the fringe)
From: "alphachi" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 05:35:02 -0500
Ok, perhaps this idea is the product of a bit of underdone potato, but the
gauge dance gets old after a while.   As I understand it, the root of the
problem is that gas tank has no baffles.  Going down past a quarter of a
tank, and you might as well have no gauge at all!

TT's fix of installing an extra ground wire did zip for this problem.   So
what if we partially filled the float with light oil to act as a stabilizing
ballast?  Oil is lighter than fuel, but certainly heavier than air.  The
semi-filled float would then have to be dropped in a cup of fuel to compare
buoyancy height with the unfilled float and then the float rod would need to
be bent accordingly.  Next, the float needs to be redirected to align
parallel rather than perpendicular with the length of the car.  This may
help in reducing some of the motion on accelerating and stopping--most of
what we do.  The ballast could further reduce, although not eliminate, the
wild fluctuations we now experience.  Hypothetically speaking of course.
Has anyone tried any other methods of reducing this anomaly?

stephan (who finally found some headers that ALMOST fit but alas has gone
completely mad)  #2821

PS I'll post the specs on the heads very soon.

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