I am having some problem posting to the group ( I think) so I will repost my
problem. My heater A/C control is not working spacifically the fan speed
control. It feels like the contacts are stripped when I move the leaver up
and down. What I would like to know is can I get the control out from the
front of the dash or do I have to take the dash off and get it out thru the
back. There seem to be a metal face plate over the control that I can not
get off, is there screws under it. It would be a lot easier to remove it out
the front of the dash. Anyone had the problem with the control? and is it
fixable or anyone know of a replacement. Hot weather on the way and no A/C
is no fun :^) Thanks in advance for any help I would appreciate any response
so I know this letter got posted.
Thanks Rick