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Re: Autoweek on speedvision

Subject: Re: Autoweek on speedvision
From: "Phil Martin" <>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 16:21:23 GMT
According to the schedule at - it'll be running 
again on May 5 at 7:00pm and 11:00pm, Eastern time.

Gentlemen, start your VCR's!
Phil Martin
"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive"

>From: "htcoating" <>
>Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 05:18:45 -0400
>Last night I was watching Autoweek on Speedvision and they did a story on
>Bricklin, brief history of Mal and the car, They told the truth, pointed at
>the faults(fit, finish, etc.) but showed the car in a generally positive
>attitude I didn't have a tape in the VCR but they usually replay that
>program several times during the week, now I will have to open the TV 
>Rick 2028
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