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Fw: Bricklin photo in current AACA magazine

To: "Bricklin" <>
Subject: Fw: Bricklin photo in current AACA magazine
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 17:47:25 -0400
I feel your frustration!  :^))

I was a victim of OEM paint not being good enough. My
(ex) Speedster
was bought off Brumo's Porche's showroom floor, with
4km showing, by my
uncle. It was rolled into an enclosed trailer, where
it's been ever since,
except for when prepping, cranking / or moving was
required for judging.

Needless to say it's been pampered by all it's
owners, but it's no longer a
100 pointer due to the paint not shining enough, etc.
It didn't shine much
when new, compared to the finishes of today used by
restorers. Arrg! Silver
fades quick unless sealed, especially the old rosin
based lacquer used by
the Germans back then, and repeated waxings on a too
thin an original
finish left it a little thin in spots and slightly
dulled. It's still a
perfect car in PCA shows though, due to it's

If a car has been painted as part of a ground up
resto, then no points are
deducted for non original paint, but if I'd repainted
the car............

This has been awhile ago. The officials were as petty
and self important as
they come, with rivalry between them to out nit-pick
the others. Sounds
like nothing's changed.

I sold the car and said never again.


----- Original Message -----

> SAGA from the fall car show, but was fun
for me!  Let me share my
> experience.  I understand that most owners do not
have original cars, but
> this might be of interest to them.
> Joe Fedeli

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