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Re: power windows

To: "Ryan Rodgers" <>, <>
Subject: Re: power windows
From: "Kevin" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 23:23:14 -0700
Just curious Ryan,

How much weight was added to the door?  Was there a choice of where within
the bottm edge of the door thi motor could be placed?  Just thinking about
weight distribution on a door that is already fragile, even with the
recommended bracing added to teh back edge of the door.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?  Sounds like a worthy project if we can
do it without stressing the doors too much...

#462...Still 4.5 months from getting my car from Terry ;-(
----- Original Message -----
From: Ryan Rodgers <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 8:38 PM
Subject: power windows

>     I have put power windows in #2568, I remember people on the list ask
> about power windows before, its a power window system that can go in
> every car!  All you do is mount the motor on the inside bottom right next
> the front of the door. Extend the wires coming from the motor though the
> hole in the door where your power wire for your door latch goes though,
> you can put your switches for the windows in your head liner, or if you
> think your door will shut with 5 wires running though that hold you can
> our switchs in your door.  There is also a way to put them in on your
> console, but you will have to have no carpet in it at the time of putting
> them in on your console.  Just ask me any ?'s you might have about them.
>                                             Ryan Rodgers
>                                                  #2568
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