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Air system dryer/oiler?

Subject: Air system dryer/oiler?
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 14:37:47 EST
Since ol' 1343 came in kit form I have some parts that I'm not sure what they 
are or where they go.  One of these is a round metal device about 5" long and 
1" in diameter and is silver on the top / black on the bottom.  It has an air 
line connected to each side of the top.  There is a clear plastic dome on the 
top and a knerled nob on the bottom (that is covered by a red rubber cap).   
There is also a 3/8 in. slotted screw cap on each side of the top 90 degrees 
from the air line fittings.

Is this some sort of dryer/oiler?   How does it work?  Where does it go in 
the system?

Also, regarding the vacuum pump.  Which connection goes to the intake 
manifold, the one on the bottom or the one on the side?

Marvin May

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