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Fw: Door Air Cyllinders

To: "Bricklin" <>
Subject: Fw: Door Air Cyllinders
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 18:58:02 -0400
The original door system is electric-hydraulic. They're messy, noisy, and
without limit switches (as original), break the doors. You also can't raise
one door while lowering the other as it can burn the motor up. This was a
real problem because a lockout circuit wasn't provided as standard and the
CB didn't always trip. I had a cylinder seal burst and spray the interior.
The ATF permanently softened whatever funky coating is on the instrument
panel. It's been almost 20yrs now, and it's still soft to the touch. Didn't
do the rest of the interior any good either.

Something I considered before I decided to keep mine in a ~stock
configuration was using electric solenoid rams for both the doors and
headlights. I think these are the simplest, most maintenance free solution,
but unless the cost has dropped dramatically since the early '80s, are
fairly pricey. Also, at that time, current draw was a little excessive for
the door rams, requiring a second battery and a higher output alternator.
There has been large advances in this technology since then, so this may no
longer be an issue.

----- Original Message -----

> I am curious to know if anyone has ever tried electric-hyd shocks to open
> these doors?

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