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Re: ignition switch

Subject: Re: ignition switch
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 03:00:02 EDT
In a message dated 5/10/99 7:45:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Ignition switch ! I would like to replace my switch , does anyone no
 from what car I should tell my dealer what car it came from .Im not
 familiar about them but I think its going because when I turn the key I
 have to go right to the end at first I thought it was dead till I went
 all the way to the end so I think that I should replace it any input on
 this.....Thank serge vin 1733 >>

Do not replace the the "ignition switch" you know the part where you stick 
the key in,if the key fits and turns with no problems,then check the rod that 
goes down to the REAL ignition switch that is probably bent or obstructed,the 
real ignition switch is on the steering column about were your knee would 
be,you will see a rod going to it and a bunch of wires attached to it.

vin #1024 /1136

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