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Re: Fw: Ball joints, etc.

Subject: Re: Fw: Ball joints, etc.
From: (Thomas M. Benvie)
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 19:56:56 -0400
>>Well, I was in the middle of the discussion on brakes on the AMC
>list and I
>>got blasted by a number of people.
>I'm not sure I follow. Are you saying these posts have convinced you
>to not help novices and pass judgement on others advice because it
>wasn't a sufficiently windy tutorial?

Not at all-just reinforces my veiw that more experienced people are needed
to give advice and better ways to do things instead of "shadetree" methods.
And I'm not saying these are bad, but occasionally someone makes a post on
something they did, telling other people the way to do it, when in fact
they were just lucky they weren't hurt.

  Either way, suspension components should not be
>>as a rule of thumb, and I must say I don't believe I have ever had
>to do
>You've never done much 4x4 or truck work then.

25 years experience, one of less than 200 people certified by ASE in all
categories of automotive, truck, and body and paint.  I also do not want to
sound elitist, as I am all for people doing things themselves-if I felt
otherwise I never would have become a teacher.  Maybe I just sound too much
like a teacher as I always have to be concerned with safety, stress it
continually, and sometimes have my students do things differently than i
would due to their lack of experience and age, mainly 10th-12th grade, most
having never had a tool in their hand before my class.

 Don't want to start a war here, just curious, but I
>bet if you
>>asked any racer if they would use one of those "heated" parts, they
>>say no.
>Well, I'm an ex racer who wrenched and occasionally drove over a
>33yr period who would have been lost without a torch and I sure
>wasn't the only one.

But would you drive with front end components that have been heated?  And
even if you would, you are surely in the minority  (also an ex racer who
still owns the AMX funny car and factory SS/AMX)

>  And there is always the danger of telling an unexperienced people
>>to use the torch.  From experience, they don't adjust the flame
>right, and
>>more importantly, they don't look beyond the component they are
>heating to
>>see what else the flame is burning.
>The flaw in your reasoning is that normally someone who owns an oxy
>rig knows how to use it.

Uh oh-we would hope so, but many of my former students, club members, etc.
buy a former mechanics equipment, often including the torches, and haven't
a clue.

 A propane torch on the other hand, which is
>what John Q. Public more likely will have, will heat the
>recalcitrant part enough to help without doing any excessive
>peripheral heating.


>>And why are you assuming the alignnment shops use the torch for
>what you imply?
>I wasn't assuming. It's a statement of fact.


>>Yes, I would be against having appliances, tools, etc. being used
>>knowledge as to what they do, and what harm they could do.
>>training was never suggested by me, but some sort training or
>>should be done.
>This isn't the forum to express my thoughts on this. We'll just
>agree to disagree.

No problem-the best part of most lists is that it gives a forum to people
who have opposing views.

>>I apologize if I had a negative approach on the first post, and
>>have made amends with one I sent an hour or so ago with at least a
>>suggestions.  But just as I do on the AMC list, I am very irratated
>>advice is give, such as c-clamps, that is just plain dangerous,
>>people do it or not.
>As I originally stated, this isn't my first choice, but with
>sufficiently sized clamps, is a viable, relatively safe alternative.
>I leave it to whoever may choose this approach to determine what
>that size is based on his / her degree of paranoia / self worth.

If you were talkng to experienced people, I might agree with you. I do not
agree it should be suggested to a group who may not know better.

Thomas M. Benvie
5 Sachem Rock Ave.
East Bridgewater, MA 02333
(508) 378-1423

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