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RE: Ball Joint Replacement

To: Bricklin <>, Greg Monfort <>
Subject: RE: Ball Joint Replacement
From: "Somerville, Drew" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 13:21:00 -0700
Hey Greg,

No offense intended - i don't know specifically what procedures were 
originally recommended ( which is why I used the phrase 'apparently given'
) and you are correct in that there is usually more than one approach to 
solving a problem.  However, using tools designed for the job (assuming they 
are designed right!) will result in a safer and more satisfactory result. 
 Still the point of my posting was that we shouldn't discourage anyone from 
doing their own work but should, rather, assist them with sound advice.  I 
maintain this view because I believe that nearly everybody possessed of 
enough acumen to participate in a list-server discussion is probably capable 
of learning elementary automotive mechanics such as ball joint replacement. 
 BTW a complete tutorial with photos would be great!   Now if we could only 
convince Chiltons! :)

From: Greg Monfort
To: Bricklin
Subject: Fw: Ball Joint Replacement
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 1998 12:42PM

>What specifically did you disagree with?  I think you have simply
>what I said.  Learn how to do it right.  There is no question that
>advice apparently given was dangerously ignorant
How so? I've used each variation enough times that I don't consider
my continued safety a flute. The only time I ever had a problem was
when an "el cheapo" compressor failed. Fortunately, I'm paranoid
enough to always assume the worst. If you recall, I gave the correct
advice with the other as "not first choice" supplements.
 - but I don't think that
>this a priori means that recipients of bad advice are incapable of
>the correct procedure and must resign themselves to forever hiring
>"professional" mechanics.  He obviously had enough "common sense"
to seek
>further advice.  I think this speaks well of his potential.   As a
>mechanical engineer
Now I see why it was "dangerously ignorant". I didn't write a
complete tutorial with photos.
 with a lifetime of automotive experience perhaps I
>overestimate the average persons capability to perform mechanical
It's been my experience that's a bad assumption, but, like you I
firmly believe everyone has the right to learn it himself.
 but, although it is potentially hazardous,  replacing a ball
>joint isn't technically demanding.  My experience with the so
>"professional" mechanics is that they perform work incorrectly with
>unacceptable frequency
Real professionals routinely take shortcuts or actually have a
better and / or faster way than what's in the repair manuals. They
don't have any choice. Theyre paid by the piece with a small base
 - which is the reason I still do my own work even
>though the day when money was an issue are long past.   Again, as I
>in my posting, one must learn the correct procedures and have the
>tools before embarking on any maintenance activity
Having the 'correct tools' is nice, but is only necessary when an
alternative is nonexistant. As always, paying lip service to safety
is always a given.
 - but lets avoid the
>elitist attitude that assumes others can not do what we easily can.
You bet.



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