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Re: Interior Heat/Acrylic Sanding

Subject: Re: Interior Heat/Acrylic Sanding
From: "K M" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 15:25:31 PDT
>If this subject has been touched on, my apologize I'm new to the list. 
>have 3 questions
>1) Does any one have a sure fix to prevent heat from roasting the 
>of the driver & passenger seats? After the seats get hot the a/c 
>have a chance to cool off my backside.

Install that J.C. Whhitney foil heat reflective noise deadening padding 
under the carpet.  I have it in mine and even without my ac I didn't 
notice heat from there (outside temp around 85), but the next time I 
drive when it is hot, I will feel to find out what kind of job it is 
doing.  I find more heat seems to migrate from behind the dash, 
especially now that I removed the long rubber strip that separated the 
engine compartment from the plenums (right under the trailing edge of 
the hood).

>2) Has any one tried sanding acrylic on a faded color to uncover the
>original pigment?

I bought the sand paper yesterday and I think I may start this weekend.  
I have an orange car and am not looking forward to it.

>3) Has anyone found a comfortable substitute seat that fits?

I removed the little washers so that the seats are lower and it seems 
better.  I am 6'1".

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