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Re: Web Site

To: Dave Cairns <>
Subject: Re: Web Site
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 20:53:39 -0400
At 01:38 PM 5/2/98 -0700, Dave Cairns wrote:

>It's not just you.. the website seems to be down..
>Ppocdude wrote:
>> Bricklinites:
>> Is it my computer? or is the Bricklin Web Site off limits.  I keep 
>>getting an error when I try to reach it.
>> ppocdude
>> Vin2303

Ron's company in Ct. was hosting it.  Late 4/30 their headquarters 
sent out some mail that all external connections would be blocked
as of 5/1.  Ron and others in his company are trying to get this
policy changed.  If they can't, the web page will be down until we
find a new host site.  Ron has done an excellent job maintaining the
web page and upgrading it.  I know I don't have the time to put into
maintaining the page the way he has.  If we have to find another host,
we will be faced with some interesting Tech. problems.  I know of at
least 2 places that we could get space.  One is free but with very
restricted access for updates.  The other is more accessable but
it costs.  I sent out some mail several months ago asking the members
of the mailing list if they would be willing to contribute $5 to $10
per year to maintain the web page and to register it - hopefully getting
the name Bricklin.something  I only received a couple of replys 
indicating that the sender would contribute.

  Anyway, the web page will be off line for a couple of days, or 
possibly for several weeks.  We are waiting to see what happens at Ron's
company first.  Anyone have an NT server and FrontPage on line that 
they would be willing to host us?


John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

              48 TR1800    65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
71 Saab Sonett III     75 Bricklin SV1     77 Spitfire

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