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Re: Fw: Blower switch

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Fw: Blower switch
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 21:25:24 -0500
I assume you're talking about the horizontal slider switches. WD-40
is OK for breaking loose corrosion, but cable lube, like that sold
at a cycle shops, will work better year round. You will need to
remove them to effectively lubricate them. Also they need to be
better anchored so they will move more easily.

-----Original Message-----

>My swicthes for the air conditioning and heating are hard to move.
I was
>wondering what I should do to correct this.  I'm thinking WD-40 or
>similar, but I'm not sure its safe for this application (call me
>cautious =)
>Also, for how long will the switch parts be available?

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