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Re: Chassis mods and more

To: "Christopher A. Demato" <>
Subject: Re: Chassis mods and more
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 00:00:08 -0500
I admit I'm guessing a bit here, but for cars to meet stringent safety
issues, they pretty much need to be unibody with motor compartment
subframes. The 'vette is the only car I can think of that has a full frame
and it's too big. A number of kit cars use truck frames, but they would
require too much work to convert. If I were going to try this; I would get
one of the kit car chassis makers to adapt a Bricklin cage to one of the
Cobra chassis designs. Better yet is Herb Adam's V.S.E. monocoque chassis.
It pulls over 1.0g on a 200ft skidpad without a body! I'm sure it could be
dimensioned for the Bricklin cage. Pretty pricey though. I imagine $10 - 25k
for a rolling chassis depending on design, options.

-----Original Message-----

>This may sound really dumb, but are there any modern performance cars
>whose chassis would allow a Brick body to be lowered upon it, with some
>slight modifications of course?
> - Chris

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