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Re: BI Club & the Web page

Subject: Re: BI Club & the Web page
From: "Michael V. Mitchell" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 21:22:18 -0400

  1. How many of you have joined the club because of the Web page?
I was a member before I knew about the web page ... My father, who owned 1332 
and 1155, was a
member in the beginning, but lost interest several years into it's existance. 

  2. How many of you will let your membership laps because of the Web page?
I support Bricklin International -- by communicating with it's members and by 
my financial support --
because I care about the car, and I believe an organization like BI is 
fundamental to the ongoing
support of Bricklin owners, both old and new -- with or without help from the 
Internet. It is another
avenue of reaching fellow owners, especially the technologically impaired, and 
I believe there is a
place for both BI AND a Web page. 

  3. What do you want to see on the Web page?
Kudos to your efforts - I see what any fellow Bricklin owner would like to see 
-- including parts
cross references!! I would like to see positive stories for non Bricklin owners 
to see, as well as any
other information that will help me keep my Brick in shape. Keep up the good 

  4. What do you want from the club - what would make you join?
Comradery -- especially for owners of a "red-headed stepchild" like the Brick. 
I look forward to
meeting the members I've read about and seen in the Brickline over the years 
it's been in
publication. To put all of that on the net would be great, but not very 
practical for any one individual to
do. I enjoy the Brickline, and have purchased many of the old issues for my 
personal reference
library. Web pages cannot replace good stories and hard reference materials. 
Also, computer
printouts do not impress the average car show attendee like a color magazine. 
(How many RARE car
owners have a magazine printed for them???)

** I understand the reasoning behind wanting to keep information within the 
club's domain. It is
possible that BI could disappear due to lack of interest, and we would ALL lose 
if this great method
of information exchange should disappear due to lack of interest or financial 
support from Bricklin
owners. But, on the other hand, I don't care if someone gets the information 
off the Web for free, or
without belonging to BI. (I suspect that it generates more memberships than it 
loses just by the
"free" advertising.) I do care that the cars that are left are cared for and 
interest in them is generated
by any and all means!! [I make an effort to go to every cruise-in and show in 
my area to generate that
interest -- I do enjoy them and the attention, but still have to put up with 
the same old tired
questions from "knowledgeable" attendees. (Yeah, I know it's a Bricklin -- but 
who made them??
That's a neat looking DeLorean, etc., etc. ad infinitum) >:/ ] I love my 
Bricklin -- and intend to support
organizations that support it!!

Thanks for your attention..

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