Inlined my comments.
On 06/03/2013 03:03 PM, Mitch Hendricks wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I recently purchased a 1967 MGB convertible. It has been sitting the last 10+
> years. I was told it was running when put away but since then the brakes have
> semi locked up and it has deteriorated in many other ways.
> Fuel pump - rebuild
If you aren't bent on original, you get a 2.5 psi after market one for
around $50 locally.
> Batteries! - Twin 6V setup
Some group 26 batteries 12v will fit in a single battery hole. You can
just switch to a single and be happy. Just make sure it goes in. Some
have more plastic around them than others...
> Battery trays.
Is your bucket (for lack of a better term) rusted out? I don't even
know what the material in the bottom of mine are...
> Cap and rotor
I have a pertronics ignitor in both of my Bs and they are happy. (They
do cost more, but the maintenance aspect is gone.)
> Hub Caps
Are you running rostyles? I would go that route unless you like what
you are running.