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Miners Day Sept. 5

To: "BMCU Members" <>
Subject: Miners Day Sept. 5
From: "Gary Lindstrom" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 11:06:29 -0600
Sept. 5 - Our Annual Trek to the Park City Miner's Day Parade

Wow! Where has the summer gone? Let us not forget that on September 5th,
most likely before you receive your next copy of the revered BMCU Newsletter
we will be holding our annual trek down Main Street, Park City for the Park
City Miner's Day Parade.

As I am sure all of you know, we have had our better days at this parade and
we have had some pretty embarrassing ones. I vividly recall the year when we
had three and one half cars show. Yes, that is 3-1/2 cars! The half came
when Bill Plummer showed up in his TC about half way through the parade

On the other hand, I also recall the days when we had 25 cars show, and we
didn't know where to put them in the "mini car show" we hold in the City

However, the best part of this annual event is the parade route take us down
hill! No over heating, no riding the clutch. Life is good.

So, mark September 5th on your calendar and let's all pack a picnic lunch, a
bit of liquid refreshment (booze is OK in Park City, the famous island in
the middle of the Jello Belt).

As usual, we will provide reserve parking right in the Park, enjoy the
music, the kids activities, but most of all, the BMCU conversations and
companionship.        - Floyd Inman

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