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Re: Let's get more serious?

To: Carl Merritt <>, rob lipton <>,
Subject: Re: Let's get more serious?
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 12:01:24 -0700
Yes a lot of folks scribble (operative word) their email addresses. I only
enter those I can read. It is an item that changes frequently. Not everyone
does list their email address, and I know of several who do not use the
internet at all. Believe it or not. :)
The solution, which we are looking at is where everyone keys in their own
information...somehow. Haven't gotten to that part yet. :)
--Pat K

>From: "Carl Merritt" <>
>To: "Rob Lipton" <>, <>,
>Cc: <>
>Subject: RE: Let's get more serious?
>Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2005, 11:58 AM

>> Getting everyone on the email list could help foster more SFR
>> community, one easy way is to simply have an emal list at
>> registration, this might even occur on someone's laptop, so
> The reg cards already have an email address line, just add one more
> checkbox for "Subscribe me to the Bay Area AutoX email list".
> How often do we reprint those things?
> -Carl

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