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Marina thanks

To: <>
Subject: Marina thanks
From: "Anthony Tabacco" <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 08:43:24 -0700
Many thanks to Kirk Meline and Terry Campbell, who did a really great low
stress job of Chairing yesterday, and thanks to Mark Watson for a rrrrreally
neat course. I was suprised by what seemed like a low turnout since its
concrete, but we even got morning fun runs. I got to meet a few first timers
and I think they all felt welcome. There were lots of volunteer extra workers
during the morning and combined frun/work groups in the afternoon to covere
that. Nice day all around.

Next up on July 11, Ed Rito and Natalie Tabacco will have a go at Oakland. If
any of our experienced course designers are interested in laying down a
design, you might get in touch with them so see if its open or what they want.

After that, James Creasy and Ed Burghatdt will have a go at a James Cobra
course at GGF. Thats also a Saturday event.


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