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RE: The School and Round 5

To: Bryan Nemy <>,
Subject: RE: The School and Round 5
From: "Thana, Peter {HTS~Palo Alto}" <peter.thana@ROCHE.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2004 12:44:47 -0700
Thanks Bryan,

Actually it's Bryan we should all thank.  After putting in a lot of
effort this weekend we realized that Bryan does this basically *every
event* and I really can't imagine how he does it.  I'd like to thank
everyone who helped out with the school, instructing or otherwise.  I
hope the students learned a lot and that they will make the good lessons
they learned habit over the next few events.  There are way too many
names to list but I'd like to give a special thanks to folks like Tony
and Natalie Tabbaco, who somehow got left off the instructor list but
stuck around to help the entire day anyway.  As I said there were
countless brave people who volunteered both days, without which we
simply could not have pulled off these events.


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