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Re: S2000 owners esp. Ralph Elder and/or Andy and Teresa

To: <>
Subject: Re: S2000 owners esp. Ralph Elder and/or Andy and Teresa
From: <>
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 16:59:34 -0700 (PDT)
Ralphie drives Mitch's S2000; I bought one to drive on the street in
April.  It was twitchier than all get out until I bought the fixed
Comptech sway bar for exactly the reason Andy mentioned (the steering is
really, really quick!) -- Honda just shouldn't sell that car without the
big bar, in my opinion.
I drove Eric Chung's car a couple of times, too, when it was still in need
of a bigger bar and shocks.  The car has just too much oversteer without
the help.

Katie (stealing Ralph's email!)

 Please email me.  I'm also considering an S2000 but have heard that
> they are "difficult" to autocross.  I'm wondering what that means, lol.
> Thanks!
> Debbie

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