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RE: Last Sunday

Subject: RE: Last Sunday
From: "Ruben Padron" <>
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 11:33:03 -0800
Just a thought... I would not mind increasing the auto-x registration fee 
*slightly* (not sure how much that would actually have to be) to allow us to 
contract a security guard company to patrol each event and possibly control 
signing of waivers at the entrance.

I haven't been a member for very long, but the number of entries seems to 
hover around 300 per event. If we increase the registration fee from $25 to 
$30, this would give us an extra $1500 that could go towards providing a 
more secure atmosphere. I'm not 100% certain if this would be enough to 
cover a security patrol.

Could this be a viable option? Would members mind increasing the fee?

Below is a link with some potential providers I found on the web (sorry 
about the extremely long link):

This, inaddition to some of the other suggestions already made, could help 
prevent our personal property from dissapearing, as well as help us keep 
unwanted donut-doing guests from our events.

My $0.02...

Ruben Padron
CS 1999 Miata

>From: "MrPepsi(Brent Johnson)" <>
>Subject: RE: Last Sunday
>Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 09:48:59 -0800
>Lets think of each site.
>Where would everybody park who isn't a card-carrying member?
>Oakland, 3Com, etc...
>I know we want to keep the thief's out, but I don't think parking is the
>I think we just may be better off telling your neighbor to watch your stuff
>and vice versa.
>Maybe if we have enough parking inside we could rope off an area, and only
>card carrying members can enter the rope with a car.
>I don't know...
>Just not sure if restricting all others from parking will work.
>Just my one and a half cents.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: David Rowney []
>Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:27 AM
>Subject: RE: Last Sunday
>Excellent idea.   It is now very easy for someone with a pickup to drive
>into our area and just throw a set of wheels into the bed and drive
>out.   Maybe the waiver person should check for an SCCA card, and direct
>non-members to park outside the event area.
>At 08:54 AM 3/5/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> >just a thought...
> >Or non-member cars can park outside the allocated rented space for SCCA?
> >or you can park inside if you know the membership # of your
> >or make a parking space close to entrance for visitors only? they can't
> >drive around
> >  the lot.
> >Big sign at front "SCCA members only entry"(escorted by a member allowed)
> >                   "Visitors walk-in only"
> >                   "Everybody must sign the Waiver" (wear the Band)
> >
> >If this don't work my guess is we have a 'jack-s' member in the Club.
> >
> >arnold

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