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RE: OSP car at the SF autoshow!

To: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>,
Subject: RE: OSP car at the SF autoshow!
From: "Escano, Arnold (MP)" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 11:08:16 -0800
Probably mostly folks who does 'straight-line performance Driving'...ONLY.
Even F1's can't go 200+ in turns...

Let's say my Car can do 200mph and i'm in a Track with other cars who can't
achieve that Speed,my guess is 'major traffic flow' will control my speed.
So what happens to me in Public Hwys? Riigghhhttt...others just need to show
fellow Drivers of what their Car is capable of,Driving wise is a different 
Men/Women with Toys


-----Original Message-----
From: John F. Kelly Jr. []
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 8:30 AM
To: Bay_Area_Autocross_List; Sean Bradshaw
Subject: Re: OSP car at the SF autoshow!

-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by Sean Bradshaw

Well they have to translate for the non-car people that think any car under
200hp is SLOW, and can't grasp the concept that an 1800lb car with 130hp is
still faster than their 250hp Excursion.
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

In working the SCCA booth I found most people are extremely disappointed
none of the cars there would go over 200 mph.  So, please, if you're
working the booth: ALL of the SCCA cars there will go at least 210 mph.
Makes more people happy. Dumb. But happy.

--John Kelly

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