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RE: Replenish our loaner supplies and get a FREE EVENT ENTRY!

To: <>
Subject: RE: Replenish our loaner supplies and get a FREE EVENT ENTRY!
From: "Talley, Brooks" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 17:01:26 -0800
> im pretty sure the people that take them dont try to use 
> them- they just get tossed into the back of a closet.  the 
> urge to keep what you got your paws on is very strong in 
> some.  so i doubt there is any dis-incentive possible
> on the helmets themselves.   we havent tried daisies though, have we?
> -james

What we need is the setup from The Running Man: a sonic barrier and
small explosives in the loaner helmets, such that if you carry the
helmet across the barrier, it explodes.  *That* would discourage theft
(or at least avenge it).


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