> Anyone have some street and autocross impressions of these tires that they
> would like to share?
All the competitive STS cars have them, check out the rungroup for live
I've got the 14"s on my VW, done one autox on concrete and one
at Candlestick. In STS, I was relatively more competitive at Candlestick
with the Falkens last event. I am still adjusting my pressures
and suspension dampening to compensate for the tires.
> Are these equivalent to the old Yokohoma A008R full tread, or are they not
> that sticky?
Not sure. Much stiffer sidewalls than my Yoko A509s, stickier than
Bridgestones RE92s and way stickier than old RE930s (yeach).
For the street, they are fine, but I like the ride from the
Yokos more and am using those on my street rims.
Oh, and the Falkens are actually rated to run at 50lbs according
to the sidewall.
> Thanks!
> --
> Rex Tener
> rex_tener@yahoo.com
> 1996 BMW M3, SCCA SFR Solo II Street-Mod #173