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RE: What do you hasve to sign when buying a new car

To: <>
Subject: RE: What do you hasve to sign when buying a new car
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 17:33:39 -0700
Well, obviously, this guy's up to no good, but it's not just in America. About 
two years ago, my best friend' husband was killed in a motorcycle accident in 
an intersection in Italy. It was simply awful, because he was traveling at a 
slow speed, and was hit by an elderly driver who simply did not know he was 
there and just hit him, and then just kept going. That's all I want to say 
about it.

Well, a year ago, I found out during our jaunt to Sedona to celebrate his life 
by jumping out of an airplane, that the story did not end there, and that the 
DRIVER of the car, or maybe his family, was actually suing the my friend's 
husband's family. And my friend, too, I guess. Why? How can this be?

My friend didn't want to talk about it, and would kill me for talking about it 
here, but I am so baffled. But she had said that at the time of the accident, 
her family's lawyers had encouraged to sue, but she said, Why should I do that. 
It was an accident, it's not my place to sue. She wanted to mourn and try to 
move on, not drag it out in court. You just can't sue somebody's life back. 
Well, the reason was because apparently in Italy, everybody sues everybody for 
everything, and you sue just to protect yourself for when you get sued.

Anyway, it's not just in America.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jesus Villarreal []
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 2:31 PM
To: Kelly, Katie
Cc: Bay Area Team dot Net
Subject: Re: What do you hasve to sign when buying a new car

Kelly, Katie wrote:
> Well, the silver lining in this is that now that with his great loss goes his 
>ability to reproduce.
> Katie K.
But, we all know it's not true, and just a ruse to get money out of the
insurance company. This guy did not have any broken bones or even any
Hey, didn't you need a new car, who's the owner of that dog that caused
your accident?? Your broken collarbone should be worth something. ;))
After all, it wasn't your fault it was running loose in the street. 


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