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RE: One SFR event at Atwater would be great! Was: Gravel at

To: "'Pat Kelly'" <>,
Subject: RE: One SFR event at Atwater would be great! Was: Gravel at
From: "Thana, Peter {High~Palo Alto}" <PETER.THANA@ROCHE.COM>
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 14:22:37 -0700
It is smaller than Candlestick.  Even Winton Ramp, as most places are.
However, a regional event would probably require a bit less paddock space
than we used for the Tour and Pro, leaving enough room to make a 60 sec.
course possible.   There would be fewer cars to park and fewer people with
tow rigs.  Heck, you could design a small course in the spot left vacant by
Scotty B's palace on wheels:):):)


-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Kelly []
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 1:56 PM
To: matthew rehrer;
Subject: Re: One SFR event at Atwater would be great! Was: Gravel at
Golden Gate Fields

Atwater is smaller than Candlestick. To get a course of that time length, 
you'd have to snake around a lot, not matter what site we use.
--Pat Kelly

>From: matthew rehrer <>
>To: <>
>Subject: One SFR event at Atwater would be great! Was: Gravel at Golden
>Date: Mon, Jun 3, 2002, 1:35 PM

> For those of us newbies that are scared of the national tour I think that
> one "regular SFR" event would be fun at Atwater.  Any space larger than
> Candlestick would be cool.  I would love to see a place big enough to make
> TTOD ~ 1.5-2 minutes.  Is this possible at any of our current venues?
> My 2 cents
> Matthew
>> From: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>
>> Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2002 16:06:00 -0400
>> To: "Anthony Tabacco" <>, "Joe" <>
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Gravel at Golden Gate Fields
>> -------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
>> Message text written by "Anthony Tabacco"
>> "
>> The gravel problem is only temporary. There will soon be a really nice
>> hotel, meeting center and waterfront retail on the site.
>> Tony"
>> -------------------- End Original Message --------------------
>> Not every body appreciates it's better to have an event at a close-in
>> than to sit at one's computer and bitch about alleged irregularities
>> bnecause they have no place to go.
>> Castle is 15 acres of concrete and even it has to be swept, adding to the
>> cost.
>> --John Kelly

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