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RE: Website

To: "'Miller, Reginald R.'" <>,
Subject: RE: Website
From: Chris Warner <>
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 17:05:25 -0700
I would say he is going to the wrong dealer for servicing.  My local
dealer is awesome and every service I have had (not too many for a new
car) has been wonderful (even with win stickers on my bumper :) ).  

He should try taking the trip to Subaru Of Santa Cruz.

]-----Original Message-----
][] On Behalf Of Miller, Reginald R.
]Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 1:15 PM
]To: Team. Net (E-mail); Bill Fleig (E-mail); Harold Olsen; Ken 
]& Patti Yeo (E-mail)
]Subject: FW: Website
]Anybody care to comment on what appears to be going on with 
]Subaru? Reference the email I received below.
]Ray Miller BSP # 197
]-----Original Message-----
]From: Miller, Reginald R. 
]Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 1:02 PM
]To: Miller, Reginald R.
]Subject: FW: Website
]-----Original Message----
]Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 11:49 AM
]To: Miller, Reginald R.
]Subject: Website
]I'm not sure if you are the right person to talk to or not, 
]but I'm hoping to get in touch with someone that could either 
]remove, or change my name on the website under the solo II 
]standing and results for 2001/2002.  I've been hearing more 
]and more about Subaru dealerships (especially XXXXXXXX) 
]totally voiding customer warranties if their cars have been 
]run in Solo II even once.  Sort of odd since Subaru of America 
]gives owners a free SCCA membership upon purchase of the cars, 
]AND offers $500 to anyone that places with a Subaru.  In any 
]case, I don't want to increase that risk by having my name 
]splattered all over the XXXXXXXXX SCCA website.  :)
]Could I perhaps use an alias on the board??  Any help you 
]could provide would be very much appreciated. 

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