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Re: Nat Tour @ Castle

To:, "John F. Kelly Jr." <>,
Subject: Re: Nat Tour @ Castle
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Mon, 06 May 2002 13:25:44 -0700
    Frank Stagnaro had an 'extra' 50# in his car for insurance, and still
came out light by 4#. He's run many nationals, and never had a problem
--Pat K

>From: "Kirk Meline" <>
>To: "John F. Kelly Jr." <>, "BayArea Team.Net"
>Subject: RE: Nat Tour @ Castle
>Date: Mon, May 6, 2002, 12:17 PM

> The National Tour was definitely one of the best races I have ever been at.
> It ran as smooth as any event and the weather was great except for the
> breeze all day.  Jesus made a wonderful dinner on Saturday.  The competition
> that showed up was also very impressive.  The Applegate Inn wasn't as
> horrible as people complained last year.  It was pretty nice for a low
> budget.  From what I hear the ownership has changed.  Don't sit in the seats
> at the pool if your going this weekend.  Old fiberglass doesn't feel good
> embedded in your skin.  And bring some pillows.
> On the scales issue, I was one of the people working impound and the scales.
> Basically, most people were happy with the results except for a few that
> fell a couple pounds shy.  We put the two 50 pound weights on to test the
> scales and two were showing one pound off.  It could have been a tenth of a
> pound off but who knows.  If you figure that error for one, two, or three
> thousand pound cars and it probably was off by at least a few pounds.  I am
> no expert on scales so that was what I saw on Saturday.  Maybe the car
> owners can just throw in ten or twenty more pounds to be safe next time.
> Thanks to Andy and Vic for hosting the event.
> Kirk Meline ESP
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of John F. Kelly Jr.
> Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 8:47 AM
> To: BayArea Team.Net
> Subject: Nat Tour @ Castle
> Our first-ever SCCA National Tour event at Castle Field in Atwater, CA,
> came off extremely well.
>         There were 276 entries, however, not everybody made it to the
> event.
>         The weather was sunny and breezy.
>         The concrete surface had a light layer of concrete dust on it
> through which the first run group cleared an 8-ft. wide swath each morning.
>         I'm sure we'll hear/read about other aspects of this event from
> people who were there and even from people who weren't. <G>
>         My own experience was generally positive but dealing with the
> scales caised more than a bit of grief on several competitors, including
> Frank Stagnaro in C Prepared and Jim Tikijian in D Prepared. Frank's car
> was 4 pounds under his minimum. He was assessed a two-second time penalty
> and came back to win the class. Jim was about 25 pounds under in his 1098cc
> Spridget and they gave him the slowest time in class plus a two-second
> penalty.
>         After Pat's Sunday runs our Lotus 7A--packing over 210 additional
> pounds of ballast!-- weighed in just one (1) pound over the minimum. Whew.
> For my runs two run groups later I stashed five (5) pounds of tools (Silver
> tape and nylon ties held it together) into  the back of the car. When
> weighed the car was now at 1212 pounds. Where the other six pounds came
> from is a mystery. Jim's penalty moved me to second in DP, only 5.5 seconds
> behind Chris Kannan. The "equalizer Ballast mandated by the SEB certainly
> did its job. Chris Kannan loaned his class-winning Honda to Paula Whitney
> who was second after Saturday but she felt ill on Sunday and didn't drive.
>         Jeanne's Wienies provided/sold hot dogs and ran out! The Jesus
> Villarreal dinner party under the wing of an air museum's aircraft was a
> great social gathering.
> --John Kelly

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