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Re: How racers drive

To: <>
Subject: Re: How racers drive
From: "Anthony Tabacco" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 16:22:06 -0800
So I just got back home after puttin up the Nimitz stuck in traffic, and I
was chatting on the phone when I noticed a car infront of me with a bumper
sticker that said, " Hang up and Drive". I wouln't have commented on it here
but as I was following the car I noticed that it had scrape marks on EVERY
corner and had obviously been in a minor front ender, and had also taken a
hit on a door panel. This was clearly a bad bad driver with a mis-placed
cause. The sticker reminded me of the SUVs that have those "Keep Tahoe Blue"


(behind the wheel 39 years, no tickets, no accidents, so don't even think
about phone in car comments)

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