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Re: SUV explosion - in numbers

Subject: Re: SUV explosion - in numbers
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 21:09:19 EST (Larry Stark)

              There was a point in my life when I used my Corvette to tow my 
Solo II DP MG race car. Now the car and trailer weighed all of maybe 3000#. 
It worked great. I had pleanty of power and great brakes. I got LOTS of 
stares from people on the freeways. 
               Times have changed. I now have a different road racing 
Corvette and tilt back trailer. Car and trailer weigh in at about 5500#. 
Don't forget when you go road racing you need plenty of tools, spare parts, 
gas cans, jack stands etc. I bought
a Dodge Durango because with the 5.9 litre engine it will tow 7600#. When I 
go to
a race its packed. The SUV is a necessity unless you want to drive a pick up. 
I chose not to join the knuckle dragger society so an SUV it was. FYI, the 
Durango equally equipped was $10,000 less than a Chevy Tahoe, the only other 
SUV at the time that could haul more than 5000#. I love the Durango for 
towing but its not a fun car to drive on a daily basis. The 13mpg is 
horrible, the brakes scare the hell out of me and God forbid I should ever 
have to swerve out of the way of something. Right now Its a big enough SUV so 
I'd run over it first. Probably just a rice burner so it wouldn't matter. 
Theres too damn many of them anyway. FWIW.

<In a message dated 2/21/02 7:16:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
< writes:

<< Subj:     SUV explosion - in numbers
<Date:  2/21/02 7:16:23 AM Pacific Standard Time
< Sender:
< To:
 Don't get to hard over on the SUVs. In order to tow a 3000lb race car on a 
trailer, I had to have a vehicle with some heft. My 93 full-size Blazer 
didn't have the oomph to tow it, reliably. I bought an Avalanche to supply 
most of the truck aspects and many of the Station Wagon aspects. Yup, it's an 
SUV. But some people have real reasons to own them. If you don't use them as 
a daily commuter, and I don't, they can be a real asset to a family and a 
racer. - Seth Emerson

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