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Re: Thunderhill report?

To: Navid Kahangi <>,
Subject: Re: Thunderhill report?
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 17:21:10 -0800
    Whoa, methinks you're reading far more into anything I've said than what
was intended. I may have misunderstood your point about the costs of
transponders; I'm sorry if I did. As for the costs of the sport, they are as
much as you want to spend. The old question of how fast do you want to go
sort of relates. And a lot of folks don't have a clue of how much that can
be, really...
    But your statement that there is hostility between racers and
autocrossers is way off. I love road racers, okay? In fact, I like most
people, even. And maybe at my advanced age, I'm envious. :) Any of my
original posts (way back last week) were merely a 'motherly' be careful
warning kind of thing. Like, dress for the weather, kids and stay out of the
deep puddles. I did race for a period of time in the late 60s, and finished
every race,  a most unusual feat in a Lotus 7. :)
--Pat K
>From: Navid Kahangi <>
>Subject: RE: Thunderhill report?
>Date: Tue, Dec 18, 2001, 4:49 PM

>You are missing my point!  Whether we buy transponders, or rent them, or pay
>for some other "convenience" things to make the sport we love more
>enjoyable, that's a choice we freely make.  The cost of the sport is known.
>You either chose to participate or you don't.  Nobody forced people to show
>up at TH.  Nobody asked them to pay for something they didn't know about
>ahead of time.  If in the future a rental of transponders is necessary, I am
>sure it will be stated ahead of time.
>Why so much hostility against time trials?!  I don't understand why autoxers
>don't like road racers.  But then again, I don't understand why Raider fans
>hate Niners either.  It's just one of those things.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Pat Kelly []
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 4:19 PM
>> To: Navid Kahangi; 'john f. kelly jr.';
>> Subject: Re: Thunderhill report?
>> This is a double reply, first to the value of my head 
>> (referencing your
>> earlier post), and the costs involved. Transponders are neat 
>> and make T&S
>> far more accurate. I was being facetious when I said I like 
>> to spend my $$
>> on things things that make the car go fast, but am reluctant 
>> otherwise. A
>> helmet is a necessary safety feature, as are suits, gloves, 
>> fire systems,
>> etc.; a transponder is a convenience for T&S, and for the 
>> drivers as the
>> times recorded will definitely be theirs and not someone else's. Too
>> different aspects of competition: safety vs. accuracy.
>> John's point about the cost was, I'm sure, not to raise that old issue
>> again, but to point out transponders are not free. If a club 
>> gives them to
>> drivers, that club must still purchase them, thus they are a 
>> cost that must
>> be covered, probably by raised entry fees, and that sort of thing. 
>> The rental solution as Ralph reports makes sense. I'm sure there are
>> maintenance costs of some sort. 
>> --Pat Kelly
>> ----------
>> >From: Navid Kahangi <>
>> >To: "'John F. Kelly Jr.'" <>, 
>>, Pat Kelly <>
>> >Subject: RE: Thunderhill report?
>> >Date: Tue, Dec 18, 2001, 4:21 PM
>> >
>> >John,
>> >
>> >I really don't want to open up another discussion on cost of 
>> motorsports.  I
>> >also think that we are all old enough to decide what we want 
>> to spend our
>> >money on and if we wanted financial advice we would not seek 
>> it on this
>> >list.  So, let's take this discussion to
>> >ba-let-me-tell-you-what-to-spend-your-money-on list.
>> >
>> >--Navid
>> >
>> >> -----Original Message-----
>> >> From: John F. Kelly Jr. []
>> >> Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 3:55 PM
>> >> To:; Pat Kelly; Navid Kahangi
>> >> Subject: Re: Thunderhill report?
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> -------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
>> >> 
>> >> Message text written by "Pat Kelly"
>> >> 
>> >> "  Although,
>> >> >if Thunderhill is interested in continuing this program, 
>> they need to
>> >> supply
>> >> >transponders for the cars."
>> >> -------------------- End Original Message --------------------
>> >> 
>> >> RE: Transponders.
>> >> I think that's another item somebody forgot to budget for. I'm sure
>> >> Thunderhill can supply. It's mostly a question of money. 
>> >> Yours. <G> As I
>> >> recall they go for about $235.
>> >> 
>> >> --John Kelly

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