Rich Urschel wrote:
> John's point is that Solo2 car classification is based on
> the car's capabilities on 2nd gear courses while road
> racing classifications are based on top gear. AAS courses
> are sometimes between Solo1 and Solo2. Safe and fun,
> but capable of producing results inconsistent with Solo2.
I'll agree that AAS is between Solo1 and Solo2, those results are
exactly what is intended at AAS events, Who ever said that Auto-x had to
be SCCA's way. ;^)) That's why there was NCSCC and WSCC in the 60's,
70's and 80's, and AAS and NASA now. AAS caters to the bigger American
type of cars, however well driven smaller cars are just as fast on those
"open" courses. The winning GS and AS cars pax in the top 5 most of the
time, are those cars not intended for Solo2 competition? I only used 2nd
once each day in my Corvette, it was a fast-drifting right-left S turn,
top speed in 1st is 70 mph, so the section was above that, but I was
nowhere near the top speed in second. The cars that were geared at 60 in
2nd did have to use 3rd twice.
> See Andy's comments on public statements. The safety
> stewards are preparing a report. Something is and will
> continue to be done. You *may* see a statement later,
> but certainly not before the facts are known and
> understood.
My sentiments exactly, we do not need to have a bunch of uninformed
statements buzzing through the galactic(sp?) space of the internet. When
all the facts are known, the safety stewards *may* make them public.